Unser Repertoire in alphaetischer Reihenfolge. Es ist die Liste aller Stücke, die wir seit der Gründung schon in Gottesdiensten, bei Hochzeiten, Taufen oder auch bei Konzerten zum Besten gegeben haben.
A good Life
Ain't got time to die
Ain't no rock
All night, all day
All you need is Iove
Always you
Amazing grace
Amen, Amen (Kanon)
Amen, Mary had a baby
Baba Yetu
Bawo Thixo Somandla
Beten (In der StiiJe angekommen)
Bridge over troubled water
By the rivers of Babylon
Can you feel the Iove tonight
Carol ofthe newbom king (A holy child was bom this night)
Cert'nly Lord
Child in a manger
Christmas joy (Sing of the angel)
Clap your Hands
Come into bis Presence
Come, Iet us sing
Could we start again please
Cross of Calvary
Deck the Halls
Deep river (nur Männerchor)
Der Stern
Do you hear what I hear
Dry Your Tears, Afrika
Dust in the Wind
Earth Song
Ein Huhn.das frass, man glaubt es kaum
Ein Licht, in dir geborgen (Ein Funke, aus Stein geschlagen)
Elijah Rock
Ev'ry time I feel the spirit
Give me that old time religion
Give us peace
Go down, Moses
Go teil it on the mountain
Goin' up yonder
Good news
Gospel Train
Gott segne uns
Gracious Lord
Great day
Hail holy queen
Halleluja (Händel)
Halleluja, sing ein Lied
Hallelujah (Shrek)
Hamba vangeli
He never said a mumblin' word
Heal the world
Heav'n, heav'n
Help me Lord
He's got the whole world
Holy Holy Holy
I believe I can fly
I will follow him
I wonder as I wander
I’ll tell it
Ich lobe meinen Gott
If I got my ticket, can I ride
If I were a carpenter
I'm in this Church
In His hands
I'v been born, born again I've been
Jacob's ladder
Jesus Christ, you are my life
Jina lako baba
Joshua fight the battle of Jericho (nur Männerchor)
Joy to the World
Joyful, joyful
Mary, did you know
May the Lord God bless you real good
Mayenziwe (Dein Will' geschehe)
Mögen sich die Wege
My life is in your hands
My Lord, what a moming
My soul is a witness for my Lord
New millennium
Nkulu nkulukulu
Noah fand Gnade vor den Augen des Herrn
Nobody knows
Nobody like Jesus
Oh happy day
Oh little town of Bethlehem
Oh Mary, don't you weep
Oh when the Saints
Oh, Herr steh uns bei
On the cross of calvary
Sana, sananini
Santo 1
Santo 2
Seek ye first (Halleluja)
Shine your light
Sia hamba
Sing for joy
Sing out, shout with joy
Singa Jesu singa
Sometimes I feel
S'phamand'la Nkosi
Stay with me
Steal away to Jesus
Swing down chariot
Swing low
Take, o take me as I am
Tears in heaven
The living God
This little light
Thy will be done
Total praise
Tu ma mina